Mote, beam, etc.

…or, Who’s looking out for what, again?

It’s good news that whites no longer feel that they alone own the nation’s core values. But the failure of even the majority group to look out for the greater good, as opposed to its parochial interests, leaves a vacuum at the center of U.S. life.

Oh, so it’s white people looking for out for their parochial interests? Who are the ones playing racial politics at every turn when it comes to issues like ensuring election integrity and securing the southern border, again? As Borepatch might say, this is drivel of a quite shockingly low caliber.



2 Responses to “Mote, beam, etc.”

  1. Borepatch Says:

    Man, I sure am glad that we elected the LightBringer, so that he could usher in a post-racial society.

  2. southtexaspistolero Says:

    Hope and chaaaaaange, yo.

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