It’s good to know…

…that John Woods and Colin Goddard are probably wasting their time here. If you’ll remember, the campus carry bill made it through the Texas Senate the last time it was in session and passed a House committee. Had it not been for the Voter ID stalemate, it’s very likely the bill would have passed the House and gone on to Governor Rick Perry’s desk, where it likely would have gotten Perry’s signature. Yeah, I know that’s a LOT of “likely,” but apparently Perry is on record as supporting the right of CHL holders to carry on campus. I particularly liked this comment from that thread:

If the CHLer goes to:
-The Mall
-The Movies
-Tx Govn. Ofices
-Public Parks

They are perfectly OK and good citizens.

—BUT !
If they walk into a school building or classroom Suddenly they transform into a monster, Dangerous to All!!!!!
YET, If they walk OUT of that building/classroom, Suddenly they are OK Good Citizens again.

OBVIOUSLY, We should immediately Destroy all school classrooms/buildings since they are CERTIFIED to be so inherently Dangerous by THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF SCHOOL ADMIN of the schools and colleges themselves.

That does sound about right, doesn’t it? Higher academic “reasoning” at its finest. 😉


10 Responses to “It’s good to know…”

  1. James Says:

    From what I understand, you are correct. The Dems held up everything else over the voter ID bill. That’s why Perry called a special session, because some of the stuff he really wanted done didn’t get done. With a republican majority now perhaps the campus carry, parking lot bill, and maybe even oc will pass with little or no issue.

    This is a good thing because I and a sizable (50 )population of students all have to leave our carry pieces in our cars at the moment, and that’s just the junior college here in town. That number does not include the professors there that have CHLs. The entire junior college campus will be much better off if this passes.

  2. Les Says:

    You have to remember a lot of die hard liberals work in schools, and they are probably not mentally safe to have firearms.

    The Voter ID bill is important, or you would likely have democrats in power forever, once their machinery is in place to line up the illegal voters. If you weren’t for the voter ID, it was practically the same as endorsing fraud.

  3. BL Says:

    Then we’re back to where CHL’s are a bad idea and always have been, because it’s saying “Mother may I?” to exercise a natural right of a free human. Country was supposed to be founded on innocent until proven guilty, not a presumption of erratic and dangerous behavior unless one proves oneself otherwise.

    Friend’s kid is currently home from Afghanland for a brief rest and hadn’t gotten around to getting a CHL because he enlisted when he turned 18 and couldn’t get one before he was 18, and then he was busy learning to be a fookin’ Scout Sniper and never has been back in TX long enough to take the class. I’m sure he’s terribly unsafe with firearms…that’s why the government pays him to go around heavily armed, right? Because he’s dangerous. I’ll give you, he’s a bit dangerous to people that might shoot at him, but he’s a really quiet mellow dude in normal life.

  4. southtexaspistolero Says:

    Oh, I absolutely agree about the Voter ID bill; the Democrats’ spinning it the way they do is absolutely unconscionable. Considering that campus carry came so close to passing, I found it funny how Paul Helmke was saying at the time, “Texas legislators agreed we don’t need guns on campus.” Uh, no, Paul, no they didn’t agree with that.

    And you’re right, BL. I really would much prefer Constitutional carry to CHLs, and I think we might get there one day. I hope, anyway.

  5. BL Says:

    Friend’s son is a fookin E-7 at age 21 (just got a promotion), and a Scout. Reckon he’s responsible enough to carry a gun every day or only when he’s at work?

  6. Les Says:

    If you notice, until recently, honest folks (folks held to ransom by being law abiding and a having families, jobs and houses) could only carry with them rifles and shotguns and pepper spray in Texas. Hard to carry the rifle or shotgun in the mall or leave it in the car (nowadays). It’s true that is closer to the Constitution than in many states. I would rather just carry a handgun just like any other tool. But a CHL is still head and shoulders over where we were for so many years. We had the traveling exemption, but no one could agree on what it was, for a long time, so it was virtually useless. Carpetbaggers after the war of northern aggression passed the anti handgun carry laws here. The Feds and their cronies have never been big on the Constitution, unless it could be used against local and state government.
    The CHL have introduced many people to firearms who otherwise would have never handled them. It’s not the best, but it’s better.

  7. BL Says:

    …If the politics don’t sway the other way as Texas demographics change and then the people that might confiscate firearms then have a handy list of people that habitually carry from the CHL rolls?

    Doesn’t matter with me because ever since I went to gunsmith school I’ve known I’m on the lists. Does matter for garden variety humans that haven’t drawn attention to themselves.

    Just saying…Len Savage (yeah that one) and I have done business over the years and I’m sure they have that fact in their phone/mail records since they’ve been harassing him for about forever because of being the expert witness that defeated the atf more than once in court…most people that have CHLs would be off the radar as to firearms ownership if they’d never gotten a CHL.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  8. southtexaspistolero Says:

    But a CHL is still head and shoulders over where we were for so many years

    Indeed; I take it until the CHL system was put into place you couldn’t legally carry openly or concealed? But BL is still dead on the money when he says we shouldn’t have to ask permission. No doubt there are many who carry without said permission. I remember in his book The Ten things You Can’t Say In America, Larry Elder wrote about an elderly Los Angeles man who told him this:

    “I live in South Central, and the cops busted me for carrying my piece. I told ’em, ‘I’d rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.’ They told me, ‘Have a nice day, Mr. Johnson.’ The street cops know.”

    I’d be interested to see how often that happens in Texas’ major cities.

    most people that have CHLs would be off the radar as to firearms ownership if they’d never gotten a CHL.

    Really? I figured if folks were going to make lists they’d have started with the folks who filled out 4473s for rifles — both bolt-action and semiauto. You know, sniper rifles and assault veapons.

    Speaking of Mr. Savage, what was your take on this Codrea column? This was mine.

  9. Les Says:

    You are correct, you couldn’t carry a handgun openly or concealed, except when traveling or going to an event requiring the weapon, the gun range or hunting. No side trips. Problem with the traveling exemption was no one could agree as to what that was. Overnight trip, sometimes. Three or more county lines sometimes. But it had to be in the car, best hidden so the question wouldn’t come up. Dad always carried traveling, and saved his family with it twice without a shot fired.

    The other good thing about Texas is private (not business) sells and no gun registration. So if your CHL ever is the key to confiscation, you already sold that pistol, don’t remember to who. Which is why the communists want to get rid of private sells, gunshow “loopholes” and want to require registration. “Hand them over, Mr. and Mrs. America”. The quote may be not exact. They are not interested in stopping crime, they represent most organized crime.
    Sadly, while there are some good folks in the BATF the management has been out of control for some time and generally rewarded for it. Along with the so-called FBI Hostage Rescue Team. Constitution, we don’t need no stinking Constitution. You will note the team that cold bloodedly shot the folks on Ruby Ridge at a distance pled the 5Th and didn’t even lose retirement or jobs. Rights for me but not for you.
    Can you begin to imagine what would happen to Houston Police that did that? Hey, they can’t even beat somebody up without people getting upset. Justifiably.

  10. BL Says:

    Heh, when I was filling out the form to go learn to gunsmith I stopped worrying and I have on occasion filled out more than 20 4473s in a year…the funny thing about 4473s is they aren’t easily accessible and the atfe doesn’t really have that many agents, which is why atf has been trying to coerce people into going to the computer tools that THEY LIKE because they are easier to data-mine. Friend of mine turned in his license when they wanted him to re-do all his books and/or go to digital bound book from decades of business because he is older than my dad and wasn’t up for the hassle or doing much trade anyway. Was easier to let his FFL go. San Antonio office is responsible for that particular one. As you know, when a person turns in their license and bound books it all goes into the regular database they “aren’t keeping” of American firearms owners…except that they are. But they can’t easily track second-hand stuff if a person is worried about it, not yet anyway.

    They also have been illegally data-mining off of paper copy 4473s/Bound Books when they do “compliance checks”. No joke, I’m deadly serious about that. BUT, it’s easier to thumb-drive people’s records off their computer like that fag in the military did with the leaks, so they have been “forcibly encouraging” people to go to digital bound books…

    As for Len, he once said to me on a different topic that “I get very uncomfortable when other people speak on my behalf” and I (BL) know some of the “bad” people involved in your links. They are people I don’t do business with anymore for many reasons. They’re reasonably happy to not do business with me, as well, as a known “threeper-ish person”. All I can say is the above and IN SPITE OF IT BEING A COOL MAGAZINE, I canceled my subscription to Small Arms Review, as I have a problem with giving some people related to them/involved in publishing it any of my money. I have some really funny Len stories but if he ever wants to tell them, he will.

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